Freitag, 27. März 2015

No Icing please!

I like carrot cake - and most of all I like the icing on top of it. The combination of the creamy softness of the icing and the moist carrot cake itself. Delicious!

Yet, I would much prefer the reconstruction of the Berliner Schloss without icing, since it is not a carrot cake but a building of the 21st century.
No icing please! Leave it as is: Plain and simple concrete. Just put some equally plain and simple stainless steel windows in.
And then let it become the Humboldt Forum, as a lab for future generations.

Freitag, 20. März 2015

Blinded by the Sun

This was magic.
It felt like in a Stanley Kubrick Movie - just in real time, in real life.

Mittwoch, 18. März 2015


Als Maerz-Geborene empfehle ich die MaerzMusik - Festival für Zeitfragen.
beginnt ma 20. Mörz hier in Berlin.

Donnerstag, 12. März 2015

Feindifferenzierung II

Liebe Künstler, liebe Künstlerinnen und Künstler, liebe KünstlerInnen, liebe Künstler_innen, liebe Künstler*innen ...

Mittwoch, 11. März 2015

Feindifferenzierung I

ausgehender Winter  Vorfrühling  Frühling  Frühsommer  Sommer  Hochsommer  Spätsommer  Nachsommer  Frühherbst  Herbst  Spätherbst  Winter  tiefster Winter

Mittwoch, 4. März 2015

She is doing it again!

Oh no, not the KÖLNER LISTE again!

Well, yes, I am doing it again.
I really liked the openness and the curiosity of the visitors.
This is why.

People pay the entrance fee at the door and visit the fair like a museum of contemporary art.
No attempts of buying, instead a lot of interest in seeing the world through different perspectives.
This is why.

(Ok, I agree: It is a real pity, that most of the presented art was rather conventional and no big news at all. It did reflect in the eyes of most of the visitors at the end of their tour. They were disappointed. - Not of my booth though.)

The people from the LISTE are friendly and they show great interest in my work.
This is another Why.

It might not exactly be considered a hot spot in the art scene. 
Well, well.

I am going to send Cosinus von Alpha again:

[Cosinus von Alpha] 
The Inside is none of your Business

Cologne - Deutz
April 16 to April 19, 2015